Saturday, August 31, 2013


Magic thinking cap
Used for creative visions

I couldn't resist using this picture even though I am pretty
sure that this would do the exact opposite of helping to
create visions. Well, maybe scary ones!
The picture doesn't reflect at all what I was thinking when
I wrote this, but ... I LOVE this picture LOL.

Link to Thinking Cap by Matt Novak in the Pacific Standard

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Kids Next Door

Two children next door
Out playing and being kids
Too soon are grownups

This charming picture came from an old series of books Bunny Brown and
his Sister Sue by Laura Lee Hope.
Following is a link to the book that the illustration is from. The book is titled
Bunny Brown and his sister Sue at Camp Rest-a-While. You can actually read
the book at the following link thanks to the Internet Archive at and
The New York Public Library.

Bunny Brown and his sister Sue at Camp Rest-a-While - Detail Information and Book

Also, here is a link to the entire series as listed on the Goodreads website.

Bunny Brown and his Sister Sue on Goodreads

I know I focused the blog text on the source of the illustration but I want to
get back to what I wrote. I think it's important to keep the third line in mind.
Enough said!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sunday, August 25, 2013

I don't know

Was I there? Ignored
Though I screamed whisper loud. Was
I already dead?

Little Pip the Ostrich RIP

I am revising my previous post about Pip the Ostrich.
I received great joy and happiness while watching little Pip.

I wrote a Haiku about him. Here it is.

Baby ostrich Pip
Hatched from your egg on Ustream
You are famous now.

Since little Pip has passed away, I just thought I would update
my blog.

In memory of
The little ostrich named Pip
Remember with Love.

Friday, August 23, 2013

My Life in Haiku #4 (Dreams)

Ugh, cancer nightmares
Where did all the good dreams go
Confused subconscious

The Scream by Edvard Munch

What blog would be complete without a picture of Edvard Munch's The Scream.
It fits so many situations so neatly doesn't it? It certainly portrays my state of mind
last night and this morning.

Here are a couple of links about the painting and the artist.

Wikipedia link to The Scream (the painting)

Wikipedia link to Edvard Munch (the artist)

Link to About dot com Art History A Closer Look at The Scream by Edvard Munch


Want to be happy
I can smile laugh and giggle
But how should it feel

Picture of Flower Face by Peter Griffin

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Put on your red shoes
For tonight we swirl and dance
In the bright moonlight

Picture of Woman Lost Shoes by George Hodan

Stink Bugs

Ok, I know this is a weird one but the past several years have seen the spread
of this pest on the east coast and  yuck. They are so disgusting! I am not looking
forward to them swarming all over the houses in search of warmth for the winter
again. Follow the links for more information on this wonderful creature NOT.
I am getting itchy just writing my Haiku blog tonight.

Shield shaped brownish bugs
with a stink to raise the roof
Back from whence* you came!

Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences - Brown Marmorated Stink Bug

University of Maryland Extension Home and Garden Information Center - Brown Marmorated Stink Bug

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug

*For some reason tonight I am looking up even more cool stuff than usual.
I wondered about my wording in the Haiku of "from whence" and looked it
up. Does the phrase 'from whence' include a redundant word?
Here is a link to what I found.

World Wide Words - from whence

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Sun smiles down on me
Walking through the flower fields
Grass tickling my toes

Picture of Wild Flowers by Karen Arnold

Sherlock Holmes

Arthur Conan Doyle
Creator of Sherlock Holmes
Which one is brilliant?

For more information on the subject, click on the links.

Sherlock Holmes

Arthur Conan Doyle

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Why do we love potato chips so much? Go ahead, click on the link. 
You will find the article interesting!

 Live Science : Study Finds Why We Crave Chips & Fries

Ooh how delicious
Crisp salty potato chips
I gotta have more

Picture By Evan-Amos (Own work) Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons 


Pastel spring colors
Deeper green leaves of summer
Winter's bare branches 

The Four Seasons by George Hodan 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

My Life in Haiku #3

Bleh, I REALLY don't need added stress in my life!

creepy crawly ants
again invaded my house
really freaks me out

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Carl Sagan Inspired Haiku #1 Star Dust

This Haiku is inspired by a quote from Carl Sagan. It comes from Cosmos: A Personal Voyage. He was so simply eloquent himself. I think I am going to do a series of them.

 Carl Sagan Quotes
"Some part of our being knows this is where we came from. We long to return. And we can.
Because the cosmos is also within us. We're made of star-stuff. We are a way for the
cosmos to know itself."

We of flesh and blood
See the vast wonder of space
We are star dust too

Picture By NASA and the European Space Agency. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Tug of War

Fear tugs at my mind
I try to pull back. No luck.
Tug of war is lost.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

History Mystery

I know this one is 5-8-5 but I could not justify abbreviating
or substituting another name for Galileo's just to fit into the
line of 7 syllables! I had thought of substituting da Vinci in
there but he is/was thought of as an artist and not a scientist.

Greatest of all time
Galileo Newton Einstein
Its all relative

My Life in Haiku #2

Here I sit thinking
is the pain brain cancer, or

Your Brain On Fractal

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Bread and Butter

Bakery fresh bread
Crisply toasted and buttered
Tum gurgles with joy


Friday, August 2, 2013

Thursday, August 1, 2013


T  V  is my friend
Too fatigued to leave the house
What is on tonight


Graceful little fawn
Scampering quickly away
You ate my flowers


The outline of trees
In autumn against the sky
Behold the beauty